Friday, January 31, 2014

Dress rescue

After mending what appears to be four decades of moth holes, I had to take a few snaps of me wearing this vintage wool dress. Said garment will now spend every remaining summer of its life locked in the cedar chest.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Lavender and cake

Bits of things I found in the field last summer. 

This cake via Posie Gets Cozy never disappoints and always disappears. It's the cake you make when wanting to show someone how much you care. 

First three photos by Laura Northey

Friday, January 24, 2014

Shelf life

One of my grandma's dresses

This built-in cupboard is original to the farmhouse. It amazes me that some of the things that my family continues to use and display were bought when new over a century ago, and have never left the inside of these walls.

A teacup is always better when there's actual tea in it, you know? 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Table's reach

A good breakfast is one where there isn't any hurry to end the meal or change the conversation. Elbows up, a mug to your lips, you watch as morning light shifts from every window in the room until finally settling across the table. 

The day isn't daunting; it sprawls.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Bundling the kindling

When winds rise up, it's time to pile on the wood and the wool. 

Shawl: Pendleton, Boots & Skirt: Vintage

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Yes, the pipes froze and the trees buckled and the power went out and we skated across the yard for days. But dang if it wasn't beautiful to look at.

Friday, January 10, 2014

December notes

Holidays might be over but I'm still operating on holiday time. Staying up late, saying yes to everything. In the country, the day after Christmas has a kind of snowed-in feeling. Roads are quieter than usual. Lamps are lit at all hours.Your hardest question is who would drink coffee, if I made some? When you step outside, it's because you want to be outside. There's no one to call you out on your idleness. What is it that you really have to do?